Directed By Shinji Furuya

Japan | Interactive | 13 min

An unprecedented pandemic has affected people around the world. What did people think about and how did they live during this time? I filmed a local bus top every day in 2021.

Even if you happen to oversleep one morning. Even if you have a silly fight with someone one night. Even if a terrible epidemic has spread all around the world. Our lives keep moving forward.



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    Film Details

    1. N/A

    2. N/A
    3. 2022

    4. 13 minutes

    5. Documentary

    6. Interactive

    7. Japan

      1. Shinji Furuya

      Born in 1979 and currently living in Kanagawa Prefecture, Shinji Furuya graduated from university before starting his career as a director working on advertisement projects. Since then, he has produced numerous independent films and continues to this day.

      1. Shinji Furuya

      1. Shinji Furuya (Director of Photography



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