AAIFF47 Community Agreement

The annual Asian American International Film Festival (AAIFF) organized by AsianCinevision (ACV) is a chance for people of all backgrounds to connect over their love of the moving image created by and for Asians and Asian Americans. In this space, we bring together filmmakers, sponsors, community partners and leaders, industry moderators and panelists, and film watchers of all types.

It is paramount to us that the well-being and comfort of our Festival attendees be prioritized.

As such, this Community Agreement lays out our expectations of our AAIFF community in pursuit of a kind, inclusive, and welcoming atmosphere. See below our Community Guidelines applicable to AAIFF47 in-person events, including film screenings, special presentations, panels, and receptions:

  1. Treat others with respect. AAIFF welcomes everyone, regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, age, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, disability, economic status, or immigration status. Discrimination based on any of the above characteristics or other classes of self-identification will not be tolerated.
  1. Be considerate of others’ personal boundaries and refrain from any activity that may cause harm to other people. We hope this goes without saying, but we will not tolerate anyone who acts in a manner that would damage the space, equipment, or property of any person, party, or organization. This extends to any unwelcome behavior that may disrupt other Festival attendees, including but not limited to: offensive jokes, slurs, epithets, name calling, physical assaults or threats, intimidation, ridicule or mockery, insults or put-downs, and offensive objects or pictures.
  1. Refrain from taking photos and/or video recordings during film screenings unless you have been previously authorized to do so by filmmakers or AAIFF staff members. As a courtesy to our Festival attendees, and especially our filmmakers, we ask that there be no recording of any sort (including photographs) during any AAIFF film screening. Not only is this disrespectful to the hard work of our filmmakers, it is also distracting to other Festival attendees.
  1. Understand that we at AAIFF acknowledge that COVID-19 is still a serious disease and a concern for many. While there is no requirement for Festival attendees to remain masked during screenings or events, some attendees may still choose to take certain precautionary measures, including but not limited to: remaining masked while indoors and practicing social distancing.

    If Festival attendees feel symptoms of sickness, we ask that they remain home in order to prevent the spread of illness to others.

    Please note that all Festival attendees are subject to any health/safety guidelines or entry requirements that may be enforced by Festival venues. Check the venue’s website ahead of time for this information.

**If you are made to feel uncomfortable at any time during the Festival due to the behavior of another Festival attendee, we encourage you to report your concerns to an AAIFF staff member.**

Those who have been found to behave in a manner that is goes against the AAIFF47 Community Agreement may be asked to leave the Festival. They may be further barred from attending other events during AAIFF47. Refunds or exchanges of tickets/packages/passes may or may not be issued.