A Roadside Banquet (鸡毛掸子)

A Roadside Banquet (鸡毛掸子)

Directed By Peiqi Peng

USA, China | Narrative | 16 min

One day in 2010s China, after the abolishment of the One Child Policy, eleven-year-old Mai attends her baby brother’s very first birthday party and learns a crushing truth: her parents never really wanted a girl.

What’s worse — soon after learning the news, Mai starts turning into a feather duster.



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    Film Details

    1. Chinese (Mandarin)

    2. English

    3. 2023

    4. 16 minutes

    5. Drama, Fantasy

    6. Narrative

    7. USA, China

      1. Peiqi Peng

      A Chinese writer/director based in Los Angeles, Peiqi Peng holds a B.F.A in Film and an M.F.A. in Directing. Her narrative shorts have been screened at the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, the Chinese American Film Festival, the LA Shorts International Film Festival, and others. She has also worked for FilmNation, Partizan and Imagine Entertainment. A child fantasy writer who later studied sociology, Peng loves socially conscious female dramas with fantasy, gore and absurdist elements.

      1. Ziqi Gao

      1. Peiqi Peng

      1. Sarah Zhai

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