Directed By Jun Shimizu

USA, Korea | Narrative | 13 min

East Coast Premiere

Koreatown, Los Angeles. In the midst of a family crisis, Yuna Jung and her ailing father Min-Ho are confronted with a sinister entity.



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    Film Details

    1. English, Korean, Spanish

    2. English

    3. East Coast Premiere

    4. 2023

    5. 13 minutes

    6. Drama, Horror, Thriller

    7. Narrative

    8. USA, Korea

      1. Jun Shimizu

      JUN SHIMIZU is a writer-director based in Los Angeles. Born in New York City and raised in France, Jun cemented his training as a filmmaker at New York University. In 2019, Jun co-directed SPEAK EASY, B. to numerous accolades, including LAAPFF's New Directors / New Visions Award. In 2020, Jun’s pitch for EYECATCHER won first prize at the Script Pipeline’s Movie Idea Contest. Only seldom does he write about himself in the third person.

      1. Becca Park

        Natsu Furuichi

      1. Jun Shimizu

      1. Joy Park

        Joseph Steven Yang

        Jorge-Luis Pallo

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