Half-Meter (半米)

Half-Meter (半米)

Directed By Zebang Yang

China | Narrative | 22 min

East Coast Premiere

With population growth, a once small village has become increasingly crowded. Old brick houses are demolished to make way for small buildings that are rented out. The trend of constructing multi-story buildings takes hold, transforming dirt roads into cemented roads and small houses into apartment complexes.

While building new houses should be a joyous occasion, it has sparked conflicts among the villagers. People compare themselves to one another and fiercely compete for every inch of land. The harmonious and cooperative neighborly relationships of the past have vanished.



    Featured Events

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    Film Details

    1. Chinese (Hokkien), Chinese (Mandarin)

    2. English

    3. East Coast Premiere

    4. 2022

    5. 22 minutes

    6. Comedy, Drama

    7. Narrative

    8. China

      1. Zebang Yang

      Zebang (Andrew) Yang was born in Xiamen, China. He holds degrees from the Beijing Language & Culture University and the Shanghai Vancouver Film School, and is currently pursuing an M.F.A. degree in Film (Columbia University). His films have won Best Short Film at the Cine Next Film Festival and Best Short from the Huayi Brothers’ Star Creation Awards. Having grown up in a fishing village, he loves the vastness of the sea, which symbolizes the infinite possibilities in the world of cinema.

      1. Yixuan Qi

      1. Zebang Yang

      1. Donghui Cai

        Yanping Chen

