Temporal World: A Haptisonic Virtual Reality Memory World

Temporal World: A Haptisonic Virtual Reality Memory World

Directed By Chloé Lee

Germany | Interactive | 30 min

East Coast Premiere

“Temporal World” is a VR experience in which artist Chloé Lee reflects on making meaning in places with varying levels of connection to her; from the personal, to the familial to the foreign. While wearing a custom haptic jacket, we are guided to slow down while exploring Berlin and beyond in our increasingly accelerated time. As an Asian-American artist, she explores themes of migration through discovery, documentation and, in time, rooting herself in a new place.

This VR world emphasizes memory’s ephemerality and learning to sense in new ways. These new ways of sensing, in turn, help create a more nuanced understanding of our interactions and, often invisible, dynamics within our environments.



    Featured Events

    This film will be screened as a part of these events

    Film Details

    1. English

    2. N/A
    3. East Coast Premiere

    4. 2023

    5. 30 minutes

    6. Experimental

    7. Interactive

    8. Germany

      1. Chloé Lee

      Chloé Lee holds a B.A. degree in Film & Media Studies (UCSC) and an M.F.A. in Integrated Media Arts (Hunter College). Chloé’s recent fascination has been with VR and how these spaces can be used to explore memory. As a 2021-2022 Germany Arts Fulbright Scholar, Chloé created the VR exhibition, Temporal World (SXSW 2023). The project is inspired by her memories as she creates meaning in places with varying levels of connection to her; from the personal, to the familial to the foreign.

      1. Chloé Lee

      1. Lucas Martinic (VR Experience Developer)

        Dru Blumensheid (Bumesi) (Haptic Jacket Design)

        Mohammed Fardin Gholami (Haptic Hardware Engineer)

        Isaac Munoz (Advisor

        VR Sound Engineering)

        Victor Minces (Advisor

        Spectrogram Sound Integration)

        Kara Lynch (Advisor

        Project Development)

        Supported & Funded by: Matters of Activity and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under Germany's Excellence Strategy – EXC 2025 – 390648296

        The Temporal World Haptic Jacket was based on the Haptic Hanbok developed by Fardin Gholami

        Yoonha Kim and Maxime Le Calvé for the Stretching Materialities exhibition at Tieranatomisches Theater.

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