The Cousin

The Cousin

Directed By Amitabh Joshi

Nepal | Narrative | 13 min

World Premiere

Arjun’s study date with his crush Christine is ruined by his cousin Hari, who lives in the garage. It all spirals out of control when Hari steals Arjun’s Bagel Bites. Angry, Arjun threatens to report Hari to Homeland Security in a last-ditch effort to get rid of his rotten cousin. As tensions escalate, they are compelled to face each other head-on.



    Featured Events

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    Film Details

    1. Nepali, English

    2. English

    3. World Premiere

    4. 2023

    5. 13 minutes

    6. Coming-of-Age, Drama

    7. Narrative

    8. Nepal

      1. Amitabh Joshi

      Amitabh Joshi is a writer and director who has directed and produced documentaries worldwide, including notable work for Art21. His debut feature documentary, TASHI’S TURBINE, received critical acclaim, earning him the Center for Asian American Media Documentary Fund in 2014. The film screened worldwide and also garnered numerous awards, including the Special Jury Mention (2015 CAAMFest) and the Jury Prize (2016 BBVA Mountain Film Festival of Torelló).

      1. Erik Spink

      1. Amitabh Joshi

      1. Abhimanyu Karki

        Robin Gautam

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