

Directed By Queena Liu

Canada | Documentary | 11 min

International Premiere

UPROOT, directed by Queena Liu, is a film about a family’s silent struggles with mental health care in immigrant communities. 10 years ago, the director’s father was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in his forties and spent two years in and out of a psychiatric hospital. This film documents the director’s first time having an open and honest conversation with her family about his diagnosis, which she was never able to do as a child.



    Featured Events

    This film will be screened as a part of these events

    Film Details

    1. Discussion of suicidal thoughts

    2. Chinese (Cantonese), English

    3. English

    4. International Premiere

    5. 2023

    6. 11 minutes

    7. Family

    8. Documentary

    9. Canada

      1. Queena Liu

      Queena Liu is a Chinese-Canadian director and cinematographer based in Toronto. Growing up with a passion for music and visual arts, her filmmaking style draws from a diverse set of skills and inspiration. Her goal is to tell poetic and emotionally-resonant stories that reflect on personal experiences, community, and intersecting identities. She is currently completing a B.F.A. in Film Studies at Toronto Metropolitan University.

      1. Nadia Cejic

        Queena Liu

      1. Guoliang Liu

        Mei Chen

        Jin Liu

      1. Beatrice Martin (DP)

        William Peng (Sound Recordist)

        Owen Viragos (Music Composer)

