Directed By Hanjoo Kim

USA, South Korea | Narrative | 27 min

A nameless screenwriter named Seol Yoo loses his wife, Kelly Pontbriand, due to his selfishness. Seol despairs and regrets his choices deeply, and falls into a deep depression. At this very moment, a mysterious girl in a white dress approaches Seol and shows him a door that is standing alone in the middle of the forest.

“Make a wish at this door at midnight. Yet, I have not come to bring you peace. Thus, do not blame me when you are back here again.” The girl disappears to the other side of the door, leaving this word only. And now Seol grabs the doorknob.



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    Film Details

    1. Self-harm/Suicide

    2. English

    3. N/A
    4. 2024

    5. 27 minutes

    6. Drama

    7. Narrative

    8. USA, South Korea

      1. Hanjoo Kim

      Hanjoo Kim, a former writer in Korea and current award-winning independent filmmaker in the United States. When he was in his mid 20s, he decided to go to the United States to study filmmaking to make his novels into movies. Hanjoo Kim has produced two short films under his name as the director so far. Despite the relatively short filmmaking career of his, he won a number of awards from film festivals with his remarkable films.

      1. Hanjoo Kim

      1. Hanjoo Kim

      1. Jude Kim

        Leann Gardner

        Isabela Sanchez

      1. DP: Aaron Rebaza

        AC: Jannio Vera

        Mixer: Xing Wu

        Gaffer: Jakub Dejko

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