Directed By Taylor Sanghyun Lee

USA, South Korea | Narrative | 12 min

Solomon, a hard-partying DJ, wakes up hungover and dyes his hair from blonde to black. At a train station, he meets his father who makes him change into a military uniform before they head to Solomon’s childhood home. There, Solomon meets with his mother, who is in hospice due to cancer.

We realize that Solomon and his father have lied to his mother that Solomon is in the military since this is a source of pride for her in her last days. Solomon sings “Amazing Grace” to his mother and reassures her that he is living a good life.

Back at home after Solomon and his Father say goodbye for the last time, Solomon reflects on the trip— just another layover before his next stop, another club.



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    Film Details

    1. Photosensitivity

    2. English, Korean

    3. English

    4. 2024

    5. 12 minutes

    6. Drama, Family

    7. Narrative

    8. USA, South Korea

      1. Taylor Sanghyun Lee

      Taylor Sanghyun Lee is a Director & Cinematographer based in NYC. Before filmmaking, he worked as a Software Engineer and developed mobile applications in the healthcare industry. He was selected for the 2024 Sundance Ignite Fellowship and the 2023 Gotham Marcie Bloom Fellowship in Film. His directorial debut short film, LAYOVER, starring Young Mazino, was the winner of the NYU Black Family Prize and premiered at the 67th San Francisco International Film Festival. He is currently a Directing Fellow at NYU Tisch Graduate Film, where he is the recipient of the Ang Lee Scholarship.

      1. Jessica Li

        Terrence Shu

      1. Taylor Sanghyun Lee

      1. Young Mazino

        Keong Sim

        Crystal Lee

      1. Cinematographer: Gianna Badiali

        Editor: Kemal Cuhadar

        Production Designer: Vinita Gatne

        Costume Designer: Phuong Nguyen

        EPs: Josiah Lee, Michael Kim

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