Directed By Min Soo Park

USA | Documentary | 9 min

World Premiere

LOVE LETTER TO ASIAN WOMEN is a short documentary that explores the captivating world of Felicia Oh, a Taiwanese drag queen who challenges stereotypes and reshapes perceptions of Asian femininity through her performances. Felicia’s distinctive approach to drag in the vibrant landscape of New York City transforms societal expectations placed on Asian women into eye-catching expressions of individuality.



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    Film Details

    1. English

    2. N/A
    3. World Premiere

    4. 2024

    5. 9 minutes

    6. Documentary

    7. USA

      1. Min Soo Park

      Min Soo Park (b.1996, South Korea) is a South Korean film director based in New York City. He has established himself as an award-winning documentary and music video/commercial director, with a unique approach that prioritizes narrative storytelling, character development, and experimental film language. He loves making portrait documentaries.

      1. Ted Kim

      1. Eric Chuang

        Felicia Oh

      1. DP: Fengze Liang, Editor: Santiago Figueira W.

        Music Score: Null Pattern

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