Directed By Chi Thai

UK | Narrative | 14 min

East Coast Premiere

A refugee is haunted by a devastating incident from her past.



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    Film Details

    1. Vietnamese

    2. English

    3. East Coast Premiere

    4. 2024

    5. 14 minutes

    6. Drama, Fantasy, Horror

    7. Narrative

    8. UK

      1. Chi Thai

      Chi Thai is an award-winning British Vietnamese filmmaker & Screen International Screen Star of Tomorrow. Her directing credits include an adaptation of the award-winning New York Times Best Illustrated Book of the Year, The Promise, by Nicola Davies and Laura Carlin. The film played at over 30 top international festivals including Aesthetica, Rhode Island International Film Festival, Short Shorts Film Festival Asia, etc. She produced Raging Grace, launched at SXSW 2023, which was awarded the festival’s highest honours: Grand Jury Prizes for Best Film in Competition & Best Debut.

      1. Chi Thai

      1. Chi Thai

      1. Jan Le

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