Directed By Angie Su

China, Japan, USA | Narrative | 4 min

World Premiere

THE SUN, an integral part of Angie Su’s trilogy focused on women’s consciousness, merges the traditional Japanese art of Ikebana, known for its emphasis on spatial harmony, with the poignant journey of an African American woman apprenticing in this art.

This film transcends mere storytelling, becoming a visual poem which captures a journey that is as much about physical movement as it is about spiritual growth. Through metaphors, it intricately weaves together the threads of memory and sensory experiences, guiding the viewer toward themes of transformation and self-discovery.



    Featured Events

    This film will be screened as a part of these events

    Film Details

    1. Japanese

    2. English

    3. World Premiere

    4. 2023

    5. 4 minutes

    6. Experimental

    7. Narrative

    8. China, Japan, USA

      1. Angie Su

      Angie Su is a Chinese-born director and artist, based in Los Angeles. With a passion for transforming simple yet intriguing concepts into bold and intimate visual symphonies, Su masterfully balances reality and surrealism. Su’s goal is to transcend conventional storytelling, crafting multi-sensory contemporary visual poems that delve into the complexities of identity and self-discovery. In 2023, Su was chosen for the Commercial Directors Diversity Program, a fellowship in partnership with the Directors Guild of America and the Association of Independent Commercial Producers.

      1. Angie Su

      1. Angie Su

      1. Jasmine Liddell

        Ryan Watson Henderson

      1. DP: Walter Diaz

        Production Designer: Taylor Liyucan Chen

        Editors: Alex Orea, Angie Su

        CGI Production House: Flow & Manifolds Studio

        Post Producers: Krystal Ding, Nero Chen

        CG Artists: ZiMing Hong, Yallenra Xiao, Xd Ye, Jamie Xiang, Zitian Li, ZiMing Hong, Yuli Lin, Boning Li, Dav Miao, Atesla luo

        Composer/Sound Designer: Matteo Di Giulio “Chef Mowgli”