Directed By Gerald Ng Shibang

Canada, Malaysia | Narrative | 2 min

New York City Premiere

After returning from his studies abroad, Ah Boy finds himself in a sea of questions from his fellow relatives, with each additional question steamrolling into an absurd mob consisting of relatives, cashiers, news anchors, and the paparazzi, to name a few. This builds up to a crescendo where everyone swarms into his home. Ah Boy realizes the inevitability of questions as the mob stares patiently at him, wanting to know if he is the successful boy that they want him to be.



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    Film Details

    1. Chinese (Cantonese), Chinese (Mandarin), English

    2. English

    3. New York City Premiere

    4. 2023

    5. 2 minutes

    6. Comedy, Coming-of-Age

    7. Narrative

    8. Canada, Malaysia

      1. Gerald Ng Shibang

      Gerald Ng Shibang is a Malaysian filmmaker who currently resides and works in Vancouver, BC. He is very involved within the art department around the indie filmmaking world, predominantly as a Production Designer. Gerald's love for film and comedy has opted him to begin directing and writing films of his own.

      1. Helen Wong

      1. Gerald Ng Shibang

      1. Huy Ta

      1. DP: Matt Young

        PD: Rikki Facette

        Editor: Hrant Ahanisyan

        1st AD: Aries Ceta

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