Directed By Sanjona Arzan

Bangladesh | Documentary | 8 min

Chomchom is a dessert that originated around two centuries ago in Tangail, a small town in Bangladesh. The documentary shows the journey of finding out the history and people involved in the making and business of chomchom. Since many years have passed, the taste and looks of chomchom have also changed. The sellers and makers of chomchom have also moved out of their original shops and set up new businesses in the central city of Tangail. Despite the changes, the locals still deem chomchom a festival food and buy it religiously for cultural ceremonies.



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    Film Details

    1. Bengali

    2. English

    3. 2023

    4. 8 minutes

    5. Documentary

    6. Bangladesh

      1. Sanjona Arzan

      Sanjona Arzan is a recent graduate from Hunter College, majoring in Documentary and TV Production. She was born in Bangladesh and moved to America around five years ago. Being an immigrant has influenced her identity in many ways. She loves to delve into gender and sexual identity issues in her works.

      1. Sanjona Arzan

      1. Sanjona Arzan