Directed By Jackie Bao

USA | Narrative | 6 min

East Coast Premiere

Ben, an ambitious Asian-American man shaped by his father’s immigrant experience, is visited by a familiar face (his inner child) on his way to the top. Through an unlikely elevator ride, he experiences his childhood dreams, meets a vulnerable father, and finds a renewed sense of self.



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    Film Details

    1. Photosensitivity

    2. English

    3. N/A
    4. East Coast Premiere

    5. 2024

    6. 6 minutes

    7. Drama

    8. Narrative

    9. USA

      1. Jackie Bao

      Jackie Bao is a Taiwanese-American visual filmmaker born and raised in Los Angeles. She is drawn towards highlighting experiences of connection and visualizing emotions to tell the story. She attended Bard College and the American Film Institute.

      1. Andrew Chan Gladstone

        Han Yan

      1. Andrew Chan Gladstone

        Jackie Bao

      1. Hideyoshi Akai

        Aaron Chao

        Akihiro Kitamura

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