Directed By Lisa Yadao, Michelle Sampior, Irene Yadao

USA | Documentary | 8 min

East Coast Premiere

ROOTS & WINGS is a micro-doc series that highlights innovative, culture-bridging WOC chefs who use food as a conduit for cultural awareness and as a means of perpetuating their cultural traditions. The third installment of the series features Iranian-American multi-disciplinary visual artist and culinary creative behind Savage Taste, Parisa Parnian. Her pop-up dinners in Los Angeles not only illuminated Persian cuisine but also brought together the LGBTQ community. But when the pandemic hit, she quickly had to re-examine and re-imagine the ways we connect to and through food.



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    Film Details

    1. English

    2. N/A
    3. East Coast Premiere

    4. 2023

    5. 8 minutes

    6. Documentary

    7. USA

      1. Lisa Yadao

        Michelle Sampior

        Irene Yadao

      Lisa Yadao is a filmmaker with a focus on branded docs and short narratives. In her writing, she likes to explore serious things in funny ways and funny things in meaningful ways. She most recently directed an episode of TAKE OUT WITH LISA LING and is currently working on a short dark comedy with her twin sister. Michelle Sampior is a filmmaker with a decade of experience in TV, film, and game cinematics. After graduating from UC Santa Cruz with a degree in Film & Digital Media, she studied Film Production & Editing in Spain and wrote her first short film. She is passionate about representation and innovation and approaches storytelling in a holistic, authentic way. Irene Yadao is a filmmaker who has worked on documentaries, branded videos, music videos, and narrative films, most recently as a co-producer on the Emmy-nominated documentary Picture a Scientist. As an editor, she enjoys collaborating with other filmmakers to tell meaningful, impactful, and sometimes quirky stories.

      1. Lisa Yadao

        Michelle Sampior

        Irene Yadao

      1. Lisa Yadao

        Michelle Sampior

        Irene Yadao

      1. Parisa Parnian

      1. DP: Christine Marie Kelly

        Editor: Yuko Inatsuki Oberjat

        Colorist: Ayumi Ashley

        Sound Design/Mix: Puka Novero

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