Directed By Sean Morijiro Sunada O’Gara

USA | Documentary | 2 min

Centuries-old Japanese pickling methods enter the realm of experimental cinema in this “pickled film,” a silent work created on 35mm motion picture film. In a painstaking fashion, various pickling agents are applied to raw, release print film stock, and allowed to stand in total darkness for extended periods of time. With the pickling process complete, the organic agents, taking the place of a conventional negative, are handprinted with fire onto the surface to which they adhere. EIGA-ZUKE is a piece of cine-tsukemono, a pickled object for moving visual consumption.



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    Film Details

    1. Photosensitivity

    2. N/A (no dialogue)

    3. N/A
    4. 1994

    5. 2 minutes

    6. Experimental

    7. Documentary

    8. USA

      1. Sean Morijiro Sunada O’Gara

      Visual artist Sean Morijiro Sunada O’Gara’s films and installations have been official selections at international Asian American film festivals since 1994. The sansei (third-generation Japanese American) filmmaker has sought to extend the aesthetic boundaries of cinema for decades. In 1989, O’Gara created the first hand-painted and handprinted 15/70mm IMAX film, AYAMORI. The artist’s latest project involves a return to large-format cinema, focusing on a 150-year-old story on his matrilineal line.

      1. Sean Morijiro Sunada O’Gara